Thyroid Health

Castor Oil Packs and Your Thyroid Health

Have you ever heard of a castor oil pack? Used one? I hadn’t until a few years ago and it’s now becoming more of a mainstream topic and recommendation, especially among holistic healthcare providers. It’s natural, non-invasive and can be done in the comfort of your own home. 

Why Minerals Are Important for Your Healt

Why Minerals Are Important for Your Healt

Are you always tired and have low energy levels? Do you deal with constipation? Do you struggle with sleeping and insomnia? Are you struggling with maintaining good blood sugars?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then this is a post that might help you! Many of the symptoms you are experiencing could be improved with the addition of minerals.

Top 5 Thyroid Tests to Ask For and Why

Top 5 Thyroid Tests to Ask For and Why

Are you a questioner? Do you like to know the why behind things? Do you feel like you need more information before you buy in? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t but when it comes to my health, I definitely do! Please give me the what, when, how, and why! Getting more information through thyroid lab testing is a great example of how we can answer some of the “why’s” you might be asking. Why do I continue to have symptoms even though my TSH is normal? Why does my doctor refuse to run any additional lab tests? Why do I continue to feel like this when I’m being treated for my condition? Why do I continue to feel like it’s a thyroid problem but my doctor keeps dismissing me? Why, why, why?

How Stress Impacts Your Thyroid Health (Plus 10 Tips for Managing Stress)

Contrary to popular belief, not all stress is bad. In fact, short bouts of stress are necessary for our safety and survival. But when stress starts to linger, it can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and health concerns, including thyroid disorders.

Thyroid Awareness Month: What You Should Know

Thyroid Awareness Month: What You Should Know

January is Thyroid Awareness Month so I wanted to bring a little more awareness to this growing group of diseases and overall thyroid health throughout this month. Have you ever heard of thyroid disease? Do you know what your thyroid is and what it does? Did you know that Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is one of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases? In this post I’ll talk more about the thyroid gland, thyroid diseases, thyroid testing and and why it is all important.

I wish I had known way more about thyroid health much sooner than when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The more I’ve learned and read about hypothyroidism, the more I’m convinced it started after my pregnancy, which was 8 years prior to my diagnosis.